Growth & Development

As your child’s body grows, their mouth grows and develops with it. Teeth come in, are lost, and then come in again. During this time, a variety of factors can affect the function and appearance of their smile and impact their self-confidence throughout their adolescence. But don’t worry, SmileLYNN Pediatric Dentistry is here to ensure that your child’s growth and development of their smile goes as seamlessly as possible.

Quality Dental Care for Your Children

While we understand that every child is unique in their own special way, Dr. Lynn has received the special training in children’s dental development to determine what’s “normal” and what may need a little closer observation. That way, if he does notice something concerning, we can guide you through the treatment options that make the most sense based on your child’s age, size of their teeth, and structure of their jaw. Not only does this help prevent more extensive treatments later but it also guarantees that your child grows into a healthy and beautiful smile.

No matter what stage of development your child is in, it’s never too late for great dental care. Contact our friendly and experienced dental team for more information or to schedule an appointment today!